St. Germain - Boulevard - Vinyl Record Import
St. Germain - Boulevard - Vinyl Record Import
Imagine a world where every French dance band was notoriously bad; where groups like Air, Cassius, and Phoenix never even existed because every aspiring musician looked up to artists like ATB instead of St. Germain. Fortunately, this is just a story. Ludovic Navarre, using the pseudonym St. Germain, created a heavenly blend of deep house, lively beats, and downtempo attitudes that essentially birthed the entire French house movement. But the real question is, does being the first automatically make you the best? Tracks like "Deep in It" and "Street Scene (4 Schazz)" are clearly influenced by acid jazz and the underground music scene, and they answer with a resounding "yes." However, the predominant use of blues samples (despite being years ahead of Moby in this regard) and the obvious imitation of American black music start to raise some concerns.
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